Thursday, November 10, 2011

The international solidarity week in Rennes

The international solidarity week will be held from November 9 to 19, at the “Maison International de Rennes” (7 Quai Chateaubriand, 35000 Rennes, France)
On this occasion, the committee for the release of Nguyen Tien Trung will participate with the presentation of Mr Philippe Echard, the president of the committee, on the subject of Vietnamese cyber dissident, and particularly the case of Nguyen Tien Trung. The talks will start from 18h30 and right after that, the conference about “democracy, humain right and political practice: the role of the media” from 20h30 to 22h.
The next day, Saturday 19/11 at 14h, there will be a manifestation at “place de la Mairie” in Rennes, with the participation of professors, students in Insa of Rennes and all those who support the release of Nguyen Tien Trung.
Your participation in these two activities will be welcome.
The committee for the release of Nguyen Tien Trung.

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